This is the largest Public Hearing that The City has ever held, with more than 650 speakers registered at last count and 5515 written submissions. Meeting details and how to register is included below.

Meeting Details
• When: April 22, 2024, beginning at 9:30 a.m.
• Duration: Due to the large number of registered public speakers, the meeting will extend over multiple days. The Public Hearing is scheduled to start at 9:30 a.m. on April 22 and is expected to end at 9:30 p.m. each day. Council will vote to determine the start times on subsequent days.
• Where: Council Chamber, Atrium level, Municipal Building, 800 Macleod Trail S.E., Calgary.
• Watch Live: The meeting will be livestreamed at
• Live Agenda: Panel information will be displayed and updated online at
Registering to speak
• Members of the public who wish to speak to Council at the Public Hearing can register online at, or in person starting on April 22 at the registration desk located in the Municipal Building Atrium.
• Those registered to speak will be added to a panel of speakers and given a panel number. The panel number given and time that each panel will be speaking to Council will be based on the overall number of speakers. This means there is no guarantee that if participants register in person, their panel will speak on the same day.
• Due to the large number of registered speakers, it is not possible to arrange specific speaking dates or times. Registered speakers will need to monitor the progress of the Public Hearing by following the live agenda on and are responsible for being available when their assigned panel is called upon.
General Information • Speakers can participate remotely or in person. To participate remotely, speakers must pre-register with the City Clerk’s Office and make arrangements for the use of a telephone on the day of the Public Hearing Meeting of Council. The City Clerk’s Office will email public speakers registered to participate remotely with instructions on how to participate in the Public Hearing, and will provide a phone number to call to participate by telephone.
• Public speakers for the Public Hearing will be grouped in panels. Each speaker will have five minutes to speak to Council, and may ask the Chair when they are presenting for permission to include a written submission as a component of the presentation.
• Once an entire panel has finished, each Member of Council will have five minutes to ask questions of the panel, if they choose to do so.
• This Public Hearing is expected to last several days. For that reason, please follow the progress of the meeting and panels at or by watching online at
• Translation services are available and can be requested at the time of registration.
• All speakers and those entering Council Chambers will need to pass through security including a bag check and metal detector. No outside food or drinks are permitted in Council Chambers. The Transit Ticket Program provides complimentary transit tickets to in-person participants. Please visit for more information.
Please note that due to the number of registered speakers and anticipated participants, there will be a large number of people at the Municipal Building, including the adjacent plaza. Please allow extra time to arrive, whether you are participating in the Public Hearing or conducting regular City business.
The City is still open for business. Front counter City services provided on the third floor will continue to be available, including those services provided by Development, Business and Building Approvals, City cashiers, Fair Entry and Tax advisory services.
For more information on the proposed citywide rezoning, visit
For information on the Public Hearing process, visit